Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hello and welcome....

I've been holding off doing a blog because I was too terrified about what to say... I mean seriously; I have NO followers (until I bribe my husband and some friends) so what does it really matter.

My blog will basically be about 'house porn'... husbands and boyfriends will hate me; I'll just give their wives, girlfriends, mothers, aunties, grandmas and friends ideas for spending money (I know my husband hates it already!).

I run an interior design business in Sydney and love everything about it. So welcome; and I hope you enjoy the journey. My first image is of some lovely curtains that are my current fantasy. Thank you to American Interior Designer: John Salandino.

Image: John Salandino

It's the depth of winter in Sydney, Australia (yeah, I know, hardly winter to some of you), and I'm desperately trying to convince my husband of the worthiness of curtains, any ideas to help my argument? Nonetheless; I'm working on it.

I hope you've had a great weekend.


PS... I did buy a new office chair from Officeworks today to inspire my new career in blogging (it's not very sexy for an interior designer, I know) and a bottle of red wine for 'dutch courage' of course...


Unknown said...

very nice to see a new blog. I'm an avid follower of house porn...

Sophie kennedy white said...

I like your blog I want to hear more about your husband and his reluctance to yo writing a blog.